Logo notas.itmens

Induction and Recursion


Theorem. (Transfinite Induction Theorem). Let \(C\) be a class of ordinals and assume that 

  1. \(0\in C\),
  2. if \(\alpha\in C\) then \(\alpha+1\in C\),
  3. if \(\alpha\) is a nonzero limit ordinal and \(\beta \in C\) for all \(\beta < \alpha\) then \(\alpha\in C\).

Then \(C\) is the class of all ordinals.

Thus by ensuring that, say, a property holds for a class \(C\) of ordinals that satisfies the conditions for transfinite induction, then it holds for all ordinals. Hence we can define by transfinite recursion.


Theorem. (Transfinite Recursion Theorem). Let \(G\) be a function on \(V\) (the universe), then 

\[F(\alpha) = G(F\restriction\alpha)\]

defines a unique function \(F\) on \(\text{Ord}\) for each \(\alpha\). In other words, let \(a_\alpha = F(\alpha)\), then for each \(\alpha\),

\[a_\alpha = G(\langle a_\xi:\xi<\alpha\rangle).\]

Here we used Replacement: \(F\restriction\alpha\) is a set for each \(\alpha\).

From this we can prove the following corollary:

Corollary. Let \(X\) be a set and \(\theta\) an ordinal. For every function \(G\) on the set of all transfinite sequences in \(X\) of length \(<\theta\) such that \(\text{Range}(G)\subset X\) there is a unique \(\theta\)-sequence \(\langle a_\alpha:\alpha < \theta\rangle\) in \(X\) such that \(a_\alpha = G(\langle a_\xi:\xi<\alpha\rangle)\) for every \(\alpha<\theta\).


Definition. Given a nonzero limit ordinal \(\alpha\) and let \(\langle \gamma_\xi:\xi <\alpha\rangle\) be a non-decreasing sequence of ordinals. The limit of the sequence is defined by

\[\lim_{\xi\to\alpha}\gamma_\xi = \text{sup}\{\gamma_\xi:\xi<\alpha\}.\]

A sequence of ordinals \(\langle \gamma_\alpha:\alpha\in\text{Ord}\rangle\) is normal if it is increasing and continuous, namely for every ordinal \(\alpha\)\(\gamma_\alpha = \lim_{\xi\to\alpha}\gamma_\xi\).