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Bergson's notion of Time and duration is a precursor to Brouwer's continuum - though Brouwer's continuum is not complete. "Duration and motion are not objects but mental syntheses", can be directly translated to the language of intuitionistic continuum, without radically separating space and time. All continua are intuitionistic. A motion is given by its starting point and its end point that serve as the delimiting points of Cauchy sequences, and when a representation of a in-between instant is needed, a free choice sequence is mentally generated to a undetermined, specific, precision, so that the synthesized representation of motion can be given. As for "duration is not mathematical nor logical", it is simply a statement historically bound that is already deprecated.


  • Contradictions generate the two-oneness. Two-oneness generate the finite ordinal numbers.
  • Finite ordinal numbers give rise to free choice sequences.
  • Free choice sequences generate time.

Mind acts - operates - by transcending itself. Transcending: grasping the whole and hence generate a larger whole by logical contradiction.

Non-well-foundedness. Axiom of Foundation.