Logo notas.itmens

Note 23

This First Part, dealing with God and the order of creation, is organized as follows:

  1. Essence (qu. 2-26);
    1. Whether God exists (qu. 2);
      1. Whether the proposition of His existence is evident
        (art. 1);
      2. Whether it is demonstrable (art. 2);
      3. Whether He does exist (art. 3);
    2. How He exists or, rather, does not exist (qu. 3-13);
      1. How He is not (qu. 3-11);
      2. How He is known to us (qu. 12);
      3. How He is named (qu. 13);
    3. His operation (qu. 14-26);
      1. His knowledge (qu. 14-18);
      2. His will (qu. 19-24.);
      3. His power (qu. 25-26);
  2. Distinction of Persons (qu. 27-43);
    1. Origin or procession (qu. 27);
    2. Relations of origin (qu. 28);
    3. The Persons as such (qu. 29-43);
  3. Procession of creatures (qu. 44-end);
    1. Production of creatures (qu. 44-46);
    2. Distinction of creatures (qu. 47-102);
    3. Government of creatures (qu. 103-end).